765-808-5070 1554 N. State St Greenfield, In 46140
Frequently Asked Questions
Most popular questions asked here at ElecTech!
Which payment methods do you accept?
We accept cash, all major credit/debit card providers, and checks. We also accept Apple Pay and Google Pay!
Why are certain repairs (Samsung, Macbook, iPad Pro, etc.) so expensive?
The answer to this, for the most part, comes down to, well, the parts themselves. In Samsung's case, the only people who make the parts are Samsung themselves. With certain models being discontinued, and no third party making the parts, they become less available, therefore, more expensive to replace. We use nothing but the OEM parts to assure a quality repair, even if it costs more. It's what our customers deserve!
Why do I need to pay upfront for some repairs?
For certain services, we have the part already or don't need a part to perform the repair. Certain repairs, however, exceed a certain cost that would be financially unreasonable to have on standby. We are committed to a successful repair, and want to see the same commitment from the customer. We have had several expensive parts paid for by Electech that have gone without pickup for months. We want to be fair to both us and the customer. If you have any concerns with this policy, please contact us!